Marriage Moments ~ #2 ~ My Top 10 Marriage Aspirations

Today, we continue our Marriage Moments series on Marriage Aspirations. Thank you for joining us. As my first aspiration states, I want to make my husband smile every day, which segues naturally into the second aspiration, #2 ~ Smile; be happy. Always be kind and polite to him AND about him to others. (Be easyContinue reading “Marriage Moments ~ #2 ~ My Top 10 Marriage Aspirations”

Oh! To Be a Joyful Mother

This pretty much sums it up for our mornings. This is our basic routine anyway. Routines always require a degree of flexibility, but for peace and order we at least need a basic routine for each portion or segment of our day. So it doesn’t always go smoothly. It is often played out with minorContinue reading “Oh! To Be a Joyful Mother”