Counter-intuitive Parenting (a re-post)

I don’t know why it still amazes me sometimes how God “sneaks up” on me! Out of “nowhere”, BAM!, there He is. I love that! I was reading this post by Angela from Good Morning Girls and there He was in the comment roll following her very good article! Kim Hall, I don’t know whoContinue reading “Counter-intuitive Parenting (a re-post)”

Be Attentive, Alert, Available; We Are Created for Fellowship

source Late Wednesday evening as I was praying for the Lord to help me serve as a committee member for the three day statewide RAPT Conference which began the following day, the Lord clearly impressed on me to be Attentive, Alert, and Available. “Okay. Yes, Lord, no problem.”…not knowing what that would exactly mean. IContinue reading “Be Attentive, Alert, Available; We Are Created for Fellowship”