American Orphans

*originally published on 07/10/2012 My heart is heavy. Heavy for every orphan in our world, but especially the thousands of orphans right here among us in our own communities! That is mine and Jeff’s heart…American orphans, broken-hearted children waiting for just one loving, caring family to step forward and make room for them in theirContinue reading “American Orphans”

What Not to Say

Since we are the parents of 8 beautiful children who by God’s grace have been born to us by adoption we have experienced a lot of comments, questions and curiosity. We do have a core group of close loved ones that we open up to if we choose to. But, not everyone needs to knowContinue reading “What Not to Say”

What Does 123,000 Children Look Like?

Lucas Oil Stadium seats 63,000 people. There are at least 123,000 children in the United States waiting for a forever family. This statistic changes annually and even monthly. It past years I have seen that number reach as high as 130,000! As I look at pictures of Lucas Oil Stadium filled with spectators, it takesContinue reading “What Does 123,000 Children Look Like?”