Marriage Moments ~ #9 ~ My Top 10 Daily Aspirations

#9 ~ Keep our love nest sanctified, special. A simple definition for sanctify is to set apart for a special purpose. What is that special purpose for our master bedroom? {We call ours The Nest. :)}We want to prepare and keep our nest so we have a private, quiet, serene, calm, relaxing, pretty place toContinue reading “Marriage Moments ~ #9 ~ My Top 10 Daily Aspirations”

Turn Your Whine into Worship

It is sinful, human nature to gripe about things. But, it is dangerous. Whining and complaining is like a nasty disease that will spread quickly and violently if it’s not treated right away! And we all know that once we have developed a bad habit it is not easy to turn it around! The soonerContinue reading “Turn Your Whine into Worship”